Entries by TSP

Fata in fata

Discutii, interesante si mai putin, au invadat atat spatiul public, cat si cel al comunitatii. Nucleul clar este: millennials, adica generatia aparuta in intervalul 1980-2000. Dezamagiri, optimism, neintelegeri, incompatibilitati, aprecieri, toate se leaga intr-un ghem de discursuri, fara concluzii. Facem un experiment. Fata in fata, un „șaptezecist” si o „nouazecista” raspund la 6 intrebari. Un […]

Oamenii urmeaza…Oameni

V-ati intrebat vreodata cum ar fi daca la locul vostru de munca nu ati avea un sef ci un mentor? Si ce ati face daca mentorul vostru ar pleca sa lucreze pentru altcineva si v-ar oferi un job cu acelasi salariu? Ei bine, asa cum spuneam si in titlu…Oamenii urmeaza Oameni. Cu totii stim ca ne […]

Motorul unui start-up

Se intampla, din cand in cand, sa mi se ceara sfatul referitor la cate o idee de afacere. Sunt mai multe aspecte pe care mi-as dori sa le prezint in timp in paginile acestui blog si, cine stie, poate intr-o zi la un curs. Managementul de proiect sta la baza activitatii TSP astfel ca partenerii […]

Are you working too hard to be a great project manager?

During my time leading a number of PMOs across different organisations one thing was common across all of the project managers that worked under the PMO, and that was they generally could be placed in to two groups. The first group was reasonably successful in leading projects to the point of delivery and then sign-off […]

Bugete Agile

O preocupare comuna a incepatorilor Agile este “cum sa calculez costul cu echipa intr-un proiect Agile, daca nu fac planificare riguroasa la inceput?” In realitate, se pare ca atunci cand te folosesti parghii Agile pentru a construi un buget de proiect, lucrurile ar putea fi sensibil simplificate, luand in considerare doua dintre atributele puternice ale […]

Imi propun sa…

Pregatirea teoretica, documentarea, antrenamentul, toate sunt foarte valoroase in dezvoltarea noastra dar cel mai important este punerea lor in aplicare. Cand iesim in lume si ne punem in practica cunostintele, priceperea, convingerile, facem un pas necesar in autodezvoltare. Vrem ori nu, mediul ne ofera feedback. Este important de stiut ca atunci cand ne manifestam abilitatile […]

Software Estimation – There are better ways to handle it!

How much does it cost? How long does it take? These are two very difficult questions that we, as professionals involved in software development projects, have to answer. Effective software estimation is one of the most – among few others – challenging and important activities in software engineering. It is critical for any planning, decision […]

Project Management Fundamentals

Becoming a project manager can be a tough path to follow. You have to be part of the project team, manage parts of projects and, in the end, accumulate the necessary experience to successfully deliver – while leading a team – a full project. Moreover, applicability of the techniques, methods and methodologies to manage projects […]