Software Estimation – There are better ways to handle it!

How much does it cost? How long does it take?

These are two very difficult questions that we, as professionals involved in software development projects, have to answer.

Effective software estimation is one of the most – among few others – challenging and important activities in software engineering. It is critical for any planning, decision making, setting priorities etc. – basically for any major part of the project life-cycle.

As a consequence, the ability to estimate effectively is a critical skill that any true software professional must have.

We all know that there is no silver bullet approach for this. And that there are many challenges, with respect to organizational and cultural context, which can complicate things further (e.g. requirements management).

However, after the workshop, using our approach and dedicated tools and techniques, you will feel more prepared and ready to face those challenges.

Overview Of Learning Objectives And Topics Covered

  • Definition and Basic Terminology
  • Qualities and Context
  • Cone of Uncertainty
  • Diseconomy of Scale
  • Bad vs Good Estimate
  • Story Points and Use Case Points
  • Planning Poker
  • Wideband Delphi
  • Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  • Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO)
  • Functional Points
  • Heuristic Methods
  • Tips And Further Materials

And plenty of real situation exerecises based on an concrete application (Coaching Enrollment and Course Management System), open discussions and Q&A sessions.

Target audience:

One of the hallmarks of Software Estimation® Workshop is that it promotes practices of estimation at all levels. It has been conducted for software developers (as main target), as well as for design leads, software architects or quality assurance professionals.

About Your Host – Ioan Vintoiu

Ioan is an independent software engineering consultant with 15+ years of industry experience developing software,
managing projects, and leading software engineers teams. Throughout his career, Ioan has collaborated with both
start-ups and multinational companies, understanding both the organizational culture and the different ways in which the software estimation is addressed.


Duration 21-22 September 2017
Location TSP Training Classroom (Bucharest) – Putul lui Craciun 40
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